Saturday, July 12, 2008

FideQin Ministry Programs

Systematic Theology (Weekly)

Adult (Chinese), Sunday, 3:30-4:15 pm

In-depth study of Systematic Theology that explores content, history and various differing views on the subject, conducted in Chinese, with notes outline and interactive in nature. Subject matter often triggers discussions on perspectives and applications on major aspects of human life including religion, culture, politics, economics and personal life. The objective of study is to lift up our understanding of God and His Revelation based on reformed tradition, and to integrate this understanding into every aspect of life.

Introduction to Theology Completed
Doctrine of Revelation Completed
Doctrine of God In Progress

Simplified (English), Sunday, 9:00-9:45 pm

A simplified version of systematic theology aimed to give very basic understanding of major themes in the Scripture. It focuses mainly on the basic content of each doctrine. This class can have a wide target audience, open to pre-teenagers to adults. The class is conducted in English, with one-page summary note each time, and there is a simple test every week to review previous week's class. A review is conducted at the end of each Doctrinal theme, followed by a review exams the week after.

Doctrine of Revelation (6 classes) Completed
Doctrine of God (10 classes) Completed
Doctrine of Man (14 classes) Completed
Doctrine of Christ In Progress

Topical & Expository

Topical Discussion (Chinese, Fortnightly), Saturday, 8:00-9:30 pm

This is a fortnightly fellowship with a defined topic of discussion relating to culture, politics, economics and daily life. Leading questions are given for each topic and participants are free to voice questions, comments and concerns. As an application to theology, the discussion attempts to deal honestly with hard and perplexing situations Christians face as they try to live in the fallen world as redeemed, but still fallen sinners. The objective is to bring us to deeper understanding of the nature of life in this world, to examine ourselves, and reform our perspectives back to Scriptural principles.

Income Inequality Completed
Inflation Completed
Education (School) Completed
Wealth (13 July 2008) Completed

Children's Bible Study (Weekly, English), Sunday, 2:00-2:30 pm

This class teaches children from age 8 onwards on different series each Sunday. It ranges between thematic and expository study. The objective is to guide children's understanding of the Scripture based on reformed foundation in more simplified way. The class is conducted in English with some interaction.

Beatitutes Completed
Purpose of Life Completed
James 1 Completed
James 2 In Progress

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